Soul Encounter Quest

soul encounter quest

Currently on hold due to COVID restrictions.

Important: The contemporary, Western participant is culturally, socially, and psychologically, significantly different from the ancient indigenous participant of a rite-of-passage practice. The Soul Encounter Quest is designed for the contemporary, Western participant and does not adopt any aspect of indigenous rituals or practices. Please do not enroll in this program expecting or planning to include any aspect of indigenous rituals or practices, unless they are of your own cultural heritage. To do so is not only cultural appropriation, but also detrimental to your own process and progress.

Spaces are limited in all programs and fill rapidly. If you are interested in participating, please contact me asap.

Soul Encounter Quest: (10-day) Transformative, psycho-spiritual process. The 10-day Soul Encounter Quest is the most intensive program, followed by the abridged version, and then the Panacea Journey. Preparation instructions are provided upon receipt of deposit.

Dates and Locations: Although dates and locations vary, all Soul Encounter Quests are held in remote wilderness environments and locations. There is rarely any cell phone reception at these locations, and therefore extra safety measures are incorporated. Please contact for dates of scheduled programs

Fees: $1450 (includes pre- and post-quest camping fees and all camp meals). 

Spaces: maximum 8-10 participants, depending on the location.


Abridged Soul Encounter Quest

These is an intensive 2-3 day psycho-spiritual journey into the chthonic realm for self-discovery, healing, transitioning, and transforming. Similar to the 10-day Soul Encounter Quest, however, although not as intense, these programs still require the participants active involvement. Abridged versions are an ideal stepping stone for those wishing to participate in the 10-day program, or those wishing to participate but cannot allocate 10 days for the full program.

Abridged Soul Encounter Quest: (2-3 days) Transformative, psycho-spiritual process. Preparation instructions are provided upon receipt of deposit.

Dates and LocationsAlthough dates and locations vary, all abridged Soul Encounter Quests are held in semi-remote and remote wilderness environments and locations. When no cell phone reception is anticipated, extra safety measures are incorporated. Please contact for dates of scheduled programs

Fees: Determined at the time of scheduling, based on the number of days and location fees. Price includes all camping fees and camp meals. Fee usually runs between $600-$800.

Spaces: maximum 8-10 participants, depending on the location.